Here's a pretty recent picture of me, from January 2005.
What else does the average person visiting my webpage want to know? Well, it probably depends on what catagory you fall under. (1) You're my friend. You need no further information about me, except things that don't belong on the internet. (2) You're a friend of a friend, or a distant friend who looking for my contact information. I'd love to hear from you, write, visit, or call! Current 'job': PhD Student in CS at Stanford University Previous 'job': Undergraduate at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, majoring in both Computer Science and Mathematics Hobbies: Ballroom dancing, Weightlifting, Writing, Reading, Chinese, and Music Home: Naperville, IL (Close to: Chicago) Address: 143 Ayrshire Farm Ln., Apt. 101, Stanford, CA, 94305 Phone: 630-209-5975 Email: munie at stanford d-diddily-ot edu Girlfriend: Yes, I already have one (3) You're distantly connected to me, and killing time on the web to keep from doing homework/real work. You can check out my links page, or look through all my pictures. Hopefully there's enough here to waste (cough), I mean occupy you for a while. For my first exhibit, I present myself, through the ages. See if you can count all the different styles of facial hair! 2000 My first love was calculators Too sexy, too sexy! back at home, sunglasses 2001 Sideburns own you 2002 The Flavor Saver What are you looking at? I have a white goatee, not sure why, but as you can see, it rocks 2003 Before the real beard begins At the peak of beardosity For some reason, I think I look a little anachronistic in this picture a.m. p.m. reaction to the a.m. mullet cut In Wisconsin 2004 Early in the year At AAAI 2004 On the way to Stanford |