Special Thanks To...

This semester abroad in France and all the extraordinary experiences that came with it would not have been possible if it was not for the following people:



My parents, John He and Lixia Fu—Thank you for all the love and support you have given me all these years and for always encouraging me to pursue my dreams and giving me confidence!

  My godparents, Julia and Victor Tsien— Thank you for caring for me like your own daughter and taking care of my affaires back at home!


My boyfriend, Michael Munie, and his family—Thank you for encouraging me on this study abroad in the first place. And thanks for always being there even though you were thousands of miles away, and for the cards, letters, and thoughts your family sent me!


All my friends back at home—thanks for helping me stay strong and keeping me up-to-date with life back at home with all your emails and staying in touch.

  All the friends I made in France—Merci beaucoup! J’ai la chance pour vous connaître !

  Madame Gautier—Merci beaucoup pour tous ! Vous êtes la meilleure mère d’accueil !

  U of I’s SAO, French Department, U of M’s Learning Abroad Center and the Program Office in Montpellier—Thank you for providing this wonderful study abroad opportunity and for constantly and patiently working with us through all the logisitics!

  IPENG—Thank you for encouraging us and supporting all our study abroad dreams during our studies in the College of Engineering of the U of I! And thank you for the study abroad Fellowship!

  Last but not least,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign—Thank you for all the superb education and extraordinary experiences and opportunities that you have provided for me! You are an awesome educational institution! Go Illini!